Admissions & Enrollment
Is Sierra Madre Elementary School my school of residence?
Sierra Madre Elementary School is a school of residence with an attendance area of families who have the privilege of enrolling based on their home address.
Determine if you live within the school attendance boundary:
Use the SCHOOL LOCATOR to see if your family resides in the attendance area.
Families residing within the Sierra Madre Elementary School attendance boundary:
A student residing in the school attendance area for Sierra Madre Elementary School, not on a permit to attend another Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) campus, may register at the school site year-round.
To enroll your child you will need to bring the following documents with you on the day before you plan to begin school:
Two of the following items can be used
Rental Agreement
Utility Bill
House Deed
Lease Agreement
Required of all students new to the Pasadena Unified School District entering K-12 grades
Proof of immunization record required of all students new/returning to the Pasadena Unified School District
4 doses DPT
4 doses Polio
3 doses Hepatitis B
Varicella Vaccination
Current TB(within one year old)
Dental Exam
Physical Examination
For any other questions about registration and enrollment, please visit our Registration and Enrollment FAQ's
Families not residing in Sierra Madre Elementary School's attendance boundary:
Families not residing within SME’s boundaries may apply through the District's annual OPEN ENROLLMENT process. Please check OPEN ENROLLENT for more information, including deadline dates and how to apply online.
Families new-to-PUSD following the close of Open Enrollment who do not reside in the Sierra Madre Elementary School attendance boundary:
New-to-PUSD students may apply at the Office of Enrollment, Permits & Student Records, District Offices: 351 S Hudson Ave. in Room 210, up until two weeks prior to the first day of the school year.
Non-PUSD families:
Interested families from other school districts apply at the Office of Enrollment, Permits & Student Records, Office of Enrollment, Permits & Student Records, District Offices: 351 S Hudson Ave. in Room 210. Do not apply at the school. Non-PUSD families will need to arrange for an Interdistrict Permit.