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Pick Up and Drop Off

Keep your children safe and follow our Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:


Kindergarten drop-off will be on Hermosa Ave, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade will be in the front of the school on Highland Ave., and 4th and 5th grade will be on Auburn Ave.  Valet support will only be available on Highland and Hermosa. If you have multiple children, they may all be dropped off at the youngest child’s location.  All students in grades K-5 dropped off between 7:30-7:49 will walk up to the playground and wait for their teacher or get breakfast from the cafeteria. Playground equipment is not available in the morning.  Parents are welcome to join their students on the playground until they are picked up by the teacher. Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom and are asked to exit the campus by 7:55 am. If parents are staying to volunteer, then they must sign in at the office and then return to the classroom. 

Students may arrive as early as 7:30 when general student supervision begins.  When the 7:45 a.m bell rings, teachers will meet their students on the playground before heading to the classrooms. In the event of rain, students will be sent directly to their rooms between 7:35-7:49 am. School begins promptly at 7:50.


Student pick up at dismissal will be in the same locations as drop off and can be done via car or walk-up.  Kindergarten students will be called out from the classroom via a radio. Please be sure to use the posted crosswalks when crossing the street for the safety of all. Students not in an after-school enrichment program and not picked up from school by 2:30p.m will be escorted into the office where they will need to be signed out.

Late Arrival/Early Pick Up - If you need to drop your student off after the bell has rung at 7:50, they must enter through the main entrance and check-in with the office to obtain a tardy slip. If you need to pick your child up early from school, you must come to the office, show your ID and sign out your student. Individuals signing students out must be on the contact list. We will not release students to any individual not identified as a contact. Please be sure to update all contact information on Aeries prior to school starting. 

Also - Please keep in mind the following: 

  • Do NOT leave your car unattended in drop off or pick up zones.
  • Do NOT drop off or walk through the staff/faculty parking lot.
  • If you wish to accompany your child to the playground, please park on side streets.
  • Please be considerate of our neighbors by not blocking driveways or moving trash cans.